Friday, March 26, 2010

lesson learned.

The envelope system only works if I put money in the envelopes!

I've mentioned all the overtime I've been working lately and how much it's helped me jump-start my debt snowball.  Unfortunately, I didn't make time to do my budget.  I was reading The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness last night and was scolded by Dave Ramsey himself with something I've heard him say so many times.  He essentially says that we don't have time not to do a budget.  Erg... There he goes being right again.

So I ended up stupidly using my debit card, then backtracking and figuring out from my reciepts which envelopes that money would have come out of, then figuring out how much cash I needed to pull out of my account and place in each envelope.  Basically, I created a lot more work for myself by not doing my budget and getting cash.

It was a good slap on the wrist.  I don't think I'll be making that mistake again.  It was a pain...

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